Staff Picks

Staff PicksOur staff reads a wide variety of books. The genre that each staff person tends to read is listed below. Please click on the link to the staff person’s name to go to a listing of their favorite books in the library catalog!


Bernadette is the Library Director. She likes to read biographies and non-fiction of people who are not famous that do extraordinary or unusual things. She also loves classic fiction and 30’s and 40’s film noir.

Cecily is the library’s Reference Librarian. She tends to read fiction, especially historical fiction and books set in other countries.

Amanda is the Young Adult Librarian. She reads a lot of young adult fiction, especially series.

Anne is a Library Technician. She primarily reads popular fiction. She is in a book club and reads a variety of non-fiction as well.

Barbara is a Library Technician. She enjoys primarily fiction, especially mysteries and thrillers. She also belongs to a book club with a variety of book genre.

Pauline is a Library Technician. She loves reading mysteries and suspense.

Carol works in Accounts Payable and is a Library Assistant. She prefers light, upbeat fiction, but has been pleasantly surprised by some recommended non-fiction. She will occasionally read non-fiction that piques her interest.

Jane is a Library Assistant. She enjoys reading historical fiction, British mysteries, as well as non-fiction adventure and travel.

Diane is a Library Assistant. She enjoys literary and historical fiction, especially books set in New England. She also loves thrillers and memoirs.

Ashalena is a Library Assistant. She enjoys reading young adult series, as well as adult mysteries and new adult fantasy with a hint of romance.

Catherine is a Library Assistant. She reads primarily fiction and fantasy novels, usually with a bit of humor and romance. She is also trying to read more science fiction.

Mary is a Library Assistant. She primarily reads fiction, especially suspense.