Bellingham Sanitary Sewer Overflow - Information

Sewer Manhole Overflowing

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New State regulation (314 CMR 16.00) requires that municipalities with sewer system have a news posting URL to share information in the case of a Sanitary Sewer Overflow (SSO).

This News Item and DPW page link is the space holder for these notices.

Bellingham rarely has SSOs and they are generally minor releases that don't get into lakes, streams or rivers.  Our last overflow was 2018.  That one was related to sewer pumping station failure.  Both pumps and alarm system have to fail for us to have an overflow.   We have improved our sewer station monitoring capabilities since then an hope to never have a SSO.

SSOs are not uncommon in Eastern Mass due to the age of sewer systems.  In Bellingham our system is very new compared to many.  Most of the Bellingham system was built in the 1990's and it is not uncommon to have towns in Massachusetts with systems built in the 1880's.