Stormwater Utility Fees, Regulations, and Adjustment & Credit Policy

Why is there a new charge on my bill?

Stormwater Utility Fee Schedule (Effective 10/1/2020 - Approved 8/24/2020)

Stormwater Regulations - Approved August 24, 2020

Adjustments and Credits are available to property owners who own non-residential and large residential (greater than 3 units).  These property owners are billed based on the actual measured area of impervious surface on the parcel.  Adjustments to impervious area will be made, if the area used in the billing system is inaccurate.  Property owners that install, maintain, and undertake stormwater quality measures on large impervious areas are eligible for credits, because these large scale measures will aid the Town in achieving nutrient loading reduction per the Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) Multi-Sector Permit requirements.  

Adjustments and Credits are not available to property owners that are billed in the defined tiers:

  • Single Family Residential
  • Condominium Unit
  • Two & Three Family Residential
  • Senior
  • Lifeline

Properties in these billing tiers are grouped together and owners are charged a fee that is based on the tiers average impervious surface.  Any error in the impervious surface area calculation will not affect the individual property's tier. 

Credits are not available for properties in these tiers for several reasons:

  • The quantity of impervious surface on these properties is minimal; therefore, any mitigation of impervious surface would not help the Town achieve nutrient loading reduction.  
  • The available mitigation measures are costly to install and maintain.  It would not be cost effective for property owners as credits would never come close to costs.
  • The inspection of mitigation measures constructed on these parcels would be burdensome for the Town.  This would add to the overall cost of stormwater management rather than providing any saving that would warrant a credit.

NOTE: Our regulations call for a yearly update to the ERUs listed on properties. So, if you put an addition on your home or business, enlarging your driveway or adding landscaping that is impervious would increase your stormwater billing.

For questions regarding any of this information, please call DPW at 508-966-5813.



